
-Adventure is a game I drooled over as a kid, and as an adult laugh at. I especially like the big duck thing. Couldn't they create something cooler than a dot for the character? Anyway difficultly level 1 is easier than piss, then level 2 sucks!


-What you get when Space invaders and Asteroids mate, but even uglier!


-I never was a big Asteroids fan, I never had the balls to thrust the ship around, I always just stayed in the middle of the screen. I also liked it when you warp and end up right by a big asteroid ready to slam into you.

Dig Dug

-Dig Dug is a great game, but the 2600 translation leaves a lot to be desired.


-This game is even a worse translation than Dig Dug. The idea that you have to wait until that ball you throw goes away until you can throw another really erks me!

Mario Bros.

-Another bad translation of a good game. The graphics are here, but for some reason the game play seems to be worse.


-Everyone knows the 2600 version sucks, I just want to know what the programmer was smoking when he programmed this game?

Ms. Pac-man

-now this is Pac-man! A great translation!


-Them damn gophers piss me off! This game is just annoying, US games really sucks! Your like a farmer and gophers dig up tunnels up to your carrots, you have to pound the ground down or they'll come up and eat your carrots.

Squeeze Box

-your a big dude with a gun (cool!), blocks like grow around you and if they touch you, you die. You have to shoot a hole through them and escape through the hole. Repetitious, stupid, boring.

Sneek n Peek

-This game is like supposed to be like hide and seek or something, your a stick man and you take turns with a friend hiding in one of 3 stupid spots, that's about all I can figure out about this crappy game.


-The same as gopher, just your a pig, there's a wolf who breaks through blocks you have to replace so the wolf doesn't eat you. One of the worst Activision games.

Laser Blast

-I give this game the Game god's seal of stupidity! Your a ship that has to blast three thingies before they zap you, then you go to another 3 thingies and do the same thing, etc. The only problem is that you can't control your shots, you press the button and pray. In difficulty one, just as long as you press the button three times quick, you can play forever! In the harder levels, it is impossible to make it past wave 3 or so.


-Blasting fish and subs kix butt! The Game god's favorite game and an absolute must have!!

River Raid

-an impressive shooter that rocks.

Sky Jinks

-Your a plane who has to go around markers and avoid obstacles, this game sucks.


-A great game with two challenging different games in it.


-This is an awesome game!!!!!! It's a shooter game with lots of variety, the closests game to Nintendo standards the 2600 has.

Keystone Kapers

-A good game that is really good for the 2600. You are a police man that chases a robber through a 4 story building with obstacles all over in it. The burgular has a head start and you have to catch him before the time runs out. This game does get really old though.


-this Mythicon game has me puzzled, is there any logic or purpose to this game????

Strategy X

-a vertical shooter like River Raid, just that you are a tank instead of a plane and that this game sucks and River Raid doesn't.


-Your a pig and wolves keep dropping from something and your on a string and have to keep shooting them. If one reaches the ground, it'll eat you. A bad game.


-A legend.

Pitfall II

-Like Pitfall, just bigger and more annoying.


-a great game! Your a orange dude that hopes around on a pyramid on parts of it and change the color of sections of it. Once all are changed, you go to the next level. Coily's on your butt, though, and you can ditch him by jumping on these discs, just buy this game!!!